Welcome to my projects.

This site is for for is talking about various projects I'm working on. Or have worked on. Or plan to work on. I may post occasional essays on various things too, independent of any particular project, but mostly, it's projects.

Lest anyone be misled by the title, this isn't about magic potions that let cars run on water, how to sharpen your razors by putting them in a pyramid, or cunning arrangements of crystals that let you tell the electric company you won't be needing their services. (Well, that last isn't quite true; I will get around to some solar-powered ideas, and solar panels are, in fact, cunning arrangements of silicon crystals that produce electricity...)

Why I chose the title

I'll be updating this welcome page periodically to point to what I'm working on at the moment.

I am, by profession, a computer programmer, and by avocation a science and engineering geek, so most of these projects will be making widgets of some kind, either hardware or software.

I'm decent with hardware, but good at software, so that bias may show. I'm also a (not very active) ham radio operator, so there will be some radio stuff too.

More about me, for those who're interested

For a first project, I'm going to talk about using some clever Ruby tricks to have a look inside Ruby on Rails:

In the near future, I'll be looking at a much less ambitious project: A calculator for designing some specific electronic circuits, implemented in React and running entirely in the browser. I'll probably also get around to discussing how this site is built, at some point.

Comments and Feedback

I don't have a comments section on here, because I haven't found a comment engine that I'm really happy with. Most of them seem to assume you're running a WordPress site, which I'm not. I'll keep poking at that issue; I'd like to have comments.

In the meantime, you can reach me as jmax31563@gmail.com. That isn't my primary address, but it does forward to it. (Gmail does a decent job of spam filtering, which is why that's the address I'm putting out here.)

Projects in Progress

Projects on Deck