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I'm a very experienced software developer; I've been doing it professionally for a long time, and for fun for even longer. For details of how that happened, look here. I'm comfortable on the hardware side of things too, especially digital hardware.

I have the mental tools and abstract knowledge to handle analog electronics, but I also have enough experience with engineering in general to understand that "book learning" is only half the battle. The other half is practical experience. I'm not without some experience in analog electronics, but I wouldn't even count myself as 'pretty good', let alone expert.

In particular, I don't have much experience at all with RF electronics (loosely, dealing with AC signals above 1 MHz). As someone with an amateur radio license, I'm slightly ashamed of this, so I plan to tackle some projects that will get me that experience. I know the theory, which will be a help.

If you'd like to contact me, the best method is email at jmax31563@gmail.com. Love to hear from you, unless you're a spammer.

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